Level 1 On-Demand


A truly inspiring workshop, Gottman Level 1 Training will give you new insights into treatment for couples who struggle, using proven assessment techniques and intervention strategies.

Our practical, emotion-focused, and highly effective approach is based on Drs. John and Julie Gottman’s four decades of research with more than 3,000 couples. It is the most extensive study ever done on marital stability and divorce prediction.

Help couples learn to manage conflict, deepen friendship and intimacy, and share their life purpose and dreams. Discover research-based assessments and effective interventions you can start practicing immediately.

Click Here to view our live in-person and live virtual Gottman Level 1 trainings.

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Bridging the Couple Chasm

When couples enter the therapy office, they sting with pain and despair. They look to you, the clinician, to referee chronic conflicts, fix their partners, and rebuild burned bridges. Our practical, emotion-focused, and highly effective approach is based on Dr. John Gottman’s 40 years of compelling research with over 3,000 couples. Join the worldwide network of more than 50,000 mental health professionals who have completed Level 1 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy.

This inspiring learning experience will give you new insights into treatment for couples who struggle. In this self-paced online course, you will discover a research-based method for helping couples manage conflict, deepen friendship and intimacy, and share their life purpose and dreams.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this training, you will be able to:

  1. Summarize the research that allows us to predict future relationship stability
  2. Describe the seven levels of the Sound Relationship House theory
  3. Conduct a couple’s therapy assessment using elements of the couple’s narrative, the Oral History Interview, written questionnaires, observations of conflict and individual interviews
  4. Describe two interventions to help strengthen a couple’s conflict management
  5. Describe two interventions to enhance a couple’s friendship system
  6. Describe two interventions to explore a couple’s system of shared meaning
  7. Explain why physiological self-soothing is essential for a healthy relationship
  8. Create a therapeutic contract with a couple, discuss and decide on goals and include a summary of the couple’s strengths and areas that need improvement
  9. Describe the Philosophy of Therapy and including assumptions, an overview of techniques and goals of therapy
  10. Describe the Rapoport Intervention and when to use it
  11. Describe the process of therapy, including the structure of a session