CoupleStrong Online Workshops

Couplestrong Online Workshops

"You can observe a lot by watching." - Yogi Berra

We have developed 3 formats for online learning. The first is a recording of a live Couplestrong workshop.  The second is live, interactive, video conferencing webinars that take place every other month for one and a half hours. This format provides a Q&A format at specific times during the video conference. Third, is an on-demand replay of our CoupleStrong Webinar Series you may view at your leisure.

Our exclusive CoupleStrong workshops and webinars are based on 35,000 hours of face-to-face therapy with thousands of couples. Our workshops will give you new insights and research-based skills that can dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship and help you manage conflict in a healthy, positive way.

Our curriculum was developed by Chris Cambas and our Couplestrong staff. It is based on 35,000 hours of face-to-face counseling with thousands of couples from all walks of life as well as 1,000+ clinical trainings with therapists worldwide. It’s grounded on what actually works in relationships that are happy and stable.

Couples will learn how to enhance their friendship, transform conflicts into dialogues, deepen intimacy and create shared meaning.

We are also offering The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work which is based on the bestselling and acclaimed culmination of four decades of research by Dr. John Gottman, presented in an accessible format to anyone who longs for stronger, healthier relationships.

The Seven Principles Workshop for couples is a two-day marriage workshop based on the internationally acclaimed research of Dr. John Gottman as presented in his New York Times bestselling book—The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. This educational workshop has been offered across the US and internationally, and has strengthened the relationships of tens of thousands of couples. It’s specifically designed to help couples improve their friendship and learn powerful communication and conflict management skills.

The workshop includes lectures, demonstrations, videos, and private couples exercises. The activities are fun, insightful and informative.  And there is no need to worry about sharing your personal problems in front of others… we don’t do any group sharing at this workshop.

The seminar imparts in practical, applicable ways the findings of Dr. Gottman’s four decades of research on the habits and patterns of couples. His scientific, longitudinal studies at the University of Washington are without peer in their study of over four thousand couples, measuring everything from the way couples talk to each other, to vital signs, to stress hormone levels, to conflict-recovery techniques.


"Amazing workshop. I was a bit concerned at first that it would be a Zoom meeting but actually ended up liking this better than being in person. A lot of touchy subjects were discussed and being in our own home made it more comfortable to deal with them. The boxed set is beautiful! We have already put the cards to use and thoroughly enjoyed the activities provided by the workbook. Really a wonderful experience. My husband and I agree we would love to do another one of these in a couple of years. Five stars all around!!!" - USAF Couple

Seven Principles Leaders

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