Level 2 On-Demand


Internalize the powerful, research-based Gottman Method Couples Therapy assessment and intervention techniques as you integrate them into your clinical work. Gain insight as to when to use these methods and when couples therapy is contraindicated.

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Gottman Level 2 – Assessment, Interventions and Comorbitities Presented by Drs. John & Julie Gottman


*No discounts apply to this offer

In Gottman Level 2, you will internalize the powerful, research-based Gottman Method Couples Therapy assessment and intervention techniques as you integrate them into your clinical work. Gain insight as to when to use these methods and when couples therapy is contraindicated.


Included Content:

  • 19 hours of video from a recent live workshop conducted by Drs. John and Julie Gottman
  • 734-page PDF manual with the content, assessments, interventions, and references discussed in training videos
  • 262-page PDF of lecture slides
  • Online quiz and downloadable certificate for 19 CE hours awarded by PESI
  • Certificate of Completion from The Gottman Institute
  • Hebrew translations available. Additional translations coming soon.


Immerse yourself in the Gottman Method and gain confidence using the techniques in your clinical work. Level 2 Training provides an in-depth exploration of assessment and intervention with advanced practical guidance for clinical observation and identifying co-morbidities, including PTSD, affairs, and addiction.

This advanced, self-paced online course includes engaging lecture content from a recent four-day Level 2 workshop conducted by Drs. John and Julie Gottman. During the workshop, the Gottmans share in-session clinical videos that demonstrate practical application of assessment and intervention techniques. Special guest lecturer, Dr. Robert Navarra, presents relevant data and clinical findings incorporating Gottman Methods in treatment of couples in addiction recovery.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this training, you will be able to:

  • Explain the basics of observation including why it’s important to recognize Emotions on the Human Face, Tension in the Voice, the Importance of Words and the use of the SPAFF coding system
  • Describe the seven levels of the Sound Relationship House theory
  • Describe how to recognize Bids and Turning Towards
  • Explain the components of the first three Assessment sessions
  • Explain and demonstrate how to conduct an Oral History Interview
  • Explain and demonstrate how to conduct a Feedback Session, including how to formulate a Treatment Plan and how to present it to the couple using the Sound Relationship House model
  • Describe the use of the core assessments with couples, including the Locke-Wallace, Weiss-Cerretto, Gottman Sounds Relationship House Questionnaires, Gottman 19 Areas Checklist, EAQ, SCL-90, Detour Scales, CAGE, and b-MAST
  • Explain and demonstrate the rules for Gentle Start Up
  • Develop interventions that couples can use as antidotes to the “Four Horsemen”
  • Prepare couples to physiologically soothe when flooded
  • Select and implement interventions to help deal with conflict
  • Apply different modes of changing the “Attack/Defend System” in a couples interaction
  • Assist couples to establish dialogue about their gridlocked conflicts
  • Instruct couples on how to work towards compromise on perpetual problems using the Two Oval method
  • Describe the five steps of processing a fight or a regrettable incident using the Aftermath of A Fight intervention
  • Use and describe the Stress-Reducing Conversation to minimize relapse
  • Select and implement interventions to help couples deepen their “Friendship System” by working on Fondness and Admiration
  • Select and implement interventions to help couples Build Shared Meaning with Rituals of Connection Identify and formulate a plan for different co-morbidities common to couples using Gottman Method Couples Therapy
  • Assessment and Intervention
  • Describe how to apply Gottman Method Couples Therapy to a couple who has experienced an affair
  • Describe when it is appropriate and inappropriate to use Gottman Method Couples Therapy with a couple dealing with substance abuse
  • Describe how to apply Gottman Method Couples Therapy to a couple experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Describe the differences between situational and characterological domestic violence and when it is appropriate and inappropriate to use Gottman Method Couples Therapy with a couple dealing with domestic violence


Prerequisites: Successful completion of a live or on-demand Gottman Method Couples Therapy – Level 1.

Participants working in the following fields will benefit from this training:

  • Mental health providers
  • Allied professionals and clergy
  • Students and interns
  • Family clinic staff
  • Professors/teachers of couples therapy
  • Researchers in the social sciences
  • Employee assistance professionals

Presenter Bios

John Gottman, Ph.D.John Gottman, Ph.D.

World-renowned for his work on marital stability and divorce prediction, Dr. John Gottman has conducted 40 years of breakthrough research with thousands of couples. He is the author of over 200 published academic articles and author or co-author of more than 40 books, including The New York Times bestseller The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Dr. Gottman’s media appearances include Good Morning America, Today, CBS Morning News, and Oprah, as well articles in The New York Times, Redbook, Glamour, Woman’s Day, People, Self, and Psychology Today.





Julie Gottman, Ph.D.Julie Gottman, Ph.D.

Dr. Julie Gottman is the co-founder and President of The Gottman Institute. A highly respected clinical psychologist, she is sought internationally by media and organizations as an expert advisor on marriage, sexual harassment and rape, domestic violence, gay and lesbian adoption, same-sex marriage, and parenting issues. She is the co-creator of the immensely popular The Art and Science of Love weekend workshops for couples, and she also co-designed the national clinical training program in Gottman Method Couples Therapy.


Cancel/Refund Policy

Disclaimer, Refund, Policy Cancellation Policy Agreement*

Refund, Disclaimer & Cancellation Policy: ALL SALES ARE FINAL. In the event a seminar is canceled National Marriage Seminars, Inc. is only responsible for reimbursement of fees paid for the seminar with the exception of force majeure. All costs incurred for travel arrangements are the sole responsibility of the individual or entity that made those arrangements. National Marriage Seminars, Inc. reserves the right to move venue location and assigned presenters originally advertised for an event with a 30-day notice to attendees. In the event a venue or presenter is changed, no reimbursements will be given. Venue changes are not to exceed 50 miles or 1 hour drive time from the original venue advertised. The individual or entity that made the arrangements to attend a National Marriage Seminars, Inc. event agrees to hold harmless National Marriage Seminars, Inc., its directors, and employees from any and all liability associated with those travel arrangements. By registering for any National Marriage Seminars, Inc. sponsored or hosted event the individual or entity agrees to these terms.

CE’s: CE’s are NOT included in the price of these workshops, however, they will be available for purchase at the event.

Grievance Policy: It is the mission of National Marriage Seminars of America to find presenters who serve as a gateway to enhance clinical skills and to produce and distribute their work with integrity. We also believe in creating a learning environment that respects the diversity our attendees bring to these events. If you are dissatisfied with your experience, please email us at admin@nationalmarriageseminars.com or contact us via phone at 813-960-0001 to further discuss your concerns.

Event Details


  • 19 hours of video from a recent live workshop conducted by Drs. John and Julie Gottman
  • 734-page PDF manual with the content, assessments, interventions, and references discussed in training videos
  • 262-page PDF of lecture slides
  • Online quiz and downloadable certificate for 19 CE hours awarded by PESI
  • Certificate of Completion from The Gottman Institute

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Gottman Method Couples Therapy – Level 1.

Participants working in the following fields will benefit from this training:

  • Mental health providers
  • Allied professionals and clergy
  • Students and interns
  • Family clinic staff
  • Professors/teachers of couples therapy
  • Researchers in the social sciences
  • Employee assistance professionals

Day 1: You will receive and email from The Gottman Institute within 24 hours of purchase allowing you access to the online course.
Start time: 00:00 a.m. EDT
End time: 00:00 p.m. EDT

Venue: Online Course

Phone: 813-960-0001

Email: lori@nationalmarriageseminars.com